

We want to welcome you to Herb Explosion. Herb Explosion is brought to you by Stinnett Family Farms. This site is dedicated to providing our readers with the most information possible regarding anything and everything to do with herbs, herbal remedies, herbal medicine, etc. Herbs are GODS medicine and we want to help you in your quest to learn how to use them.
The cost of medicine and healthcare has gone through the roof. Medicine is very expensive and the pharmaceutical industry has trained us to pretty much be dependent on them. I read somewhere, and I don’t remember where, but the person that wrote the article said the pharmaceutical companies are making a killing off of our suffering. This is so very true. They know as long as they have the cure to our ailments and pains that they have all the control.
With this website we hope to be able to bring you the information you need in order to treat a lot of the minor ailments at home. We want to help you have a happy healthy family without spending your hard earned money on doctor visits and to keep feeding the pharmaceutical companies to make them richer. It’s time for us to take a stand and stop spending all of our money on healthcare.
We want to teach you about the different plants you can grow yourself and use for things like the common cold, sprains, headaches, and many other ailments that you can treat at home. Back in the days of old they did not have the healthcare and medicine that we have available today. Many of their “remedies” really do work.
Let me set the record straight before we go any further. We here at “Herb Explosion” in no way try to portray ourselves as doctors or pharmacists. We can not and will not try to diagnose or prescribe anything. We only want to provide as much useful information as possible and you can do with it as you see fit. We also want to let you know that any of the links to different companies you find on our site are there for your gain. Even if we make a small commission when you buy something that is not our ultimate goal. Our goal is to provide you with quality products to use in your herbal remedy journeys.
So, again we want to welcome you to “Herb Explosion” and hope you find everything you are looking for regarding herbs and herbal remedies. If there are topics you want to see covered please share them with us so we can add them to this site. We also welcome guest posts and submissions from our readers but only if the information you provide is beneficial to our goals of providing quality information. We look forward to hearing from you all.

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